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CSRD - Readiness Check

Don't be afraid of CSRD, we will analyse your status quo and develop your CSRD roadmap!

With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are at a turning point in sustainability reporting. The CSRD brings with it new requirements and challenges that make it necessary to prepare the first sustainability report in accordance with this new framework.

At Sustainability&, we recognise the importance of integrating your existing efforts in areas such as integrated management systems, environmental management, waste management and sustainability initiatives into the EU framework.

Our expertise ensures that all your initiatives are reflected in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), ensuring a CSRD-compliant sustainability report.

Our CSRD Readiness Check: The first step towards compliance

The CSRD Readiness Check from Sustainability& is your personalised starting point on the road to CSRD compliance. We analyse your previous sustainability efforts in detail and create a roadmap tailored to your resources. This enables you to organise your sustainability reporting efficiently and cost-effectively in accordance with the ESRS standards.

Our modular concept paves the way for a structured organisation of your sustainability report and supports you in fulfilling all relevant reporting obligations.

From the materiality analysis to the sustainability report

At the centre of every discussion of CSRD is the materiality analysis, a critical step in identifying the sustainability issues relevant to your company. This analysis forms the basis for structuring your CSRD report and ensures that all material aspects of your sustainability efforts are mapped and reported in accordance with the ESRS standards. We help you to collect KPIs, identify gaps and develop strategic KPIs that are relevant to your organisation.

Comprehensive support: from concept to report

Our support does not end with the materiality analysis. We guide you through all phases of the CSRD reporting process: from KPI collection and GAP analysis to the development of a Climate Transition Plan. Each step is carefully planned and executed to create a comprehensive and compliant sustainability report that fully reflects your corporate values and environmental commitment.

Expertise that builds trust

Sustainability& stands for quality and expertise. Our team, consisting of lead auditors and experts in technical environmental protection, has a sound education at renowned institutions such as ETH Zurich. We combine environmental and management system expertise with technical know-how so that your company not only fulfils the CSRD and ESRS standards, but also uses them as an opportunity for sustainable growth and an improved corporate reputation.

Book a consultation now!

Not sure how to get started? Book your free initial consultation today or contact us!

Our sustainability experts will process your enquiry promptly and confidentially and you will not enter into any obligations.